Friday, June 26, 2009 at 3:06 AM
bored~ ★

hey class.
one more week of holidays!

so bored.
MB0802 rocks!

Friday, June 19, 2009 at 10:50 PM
mini-MB0802 outing =D ★

yeah! yesterday there's a mini MB0802 outing

we met up as city hall and...
i ended up being the earliest to reach and waited almost half an hour for them.

ok, and we went to this restaurant called "Azabu Sabo" at marina square to eat!

i kinda recommend this restaurant because....

There's good food, for only $7.80 =D (but this as shown is $11.80 i think.)

With a nice cup.

And! yummy desserts....

ice-creams at $2.80 but are always slanted....

OH!!! and there's a cute girl in the shop tooo! they wore maid dress which are so cosplay lah!


Firstly, before we order,
let's listen to what kengwai have to say!

And when the food came.....(look at edwin!)


while eating...

zeus is acting cute

we are really a class who loves taking pictures of each other for memory's sake don't we?

After a meal, we have all slimmed down!


ok, let's head off to movies!

and from marina square, we walked to iluma, the new shopping centre opposite bugic junction!

And that's taken when we took that 4 storey high escalator =D

>>>>>after the movies<<<<<

Zeus keep saying he's hot?

and we walked to bugis again, after dinner!

and omomg. i am so excited.

so many 1000% bearbricks!!!!

there's the sex pistols ones and the kaw distoration ones

and byeeee!
MB0802 rocks!

Monday, June 15, 2009 at 2:56 PM
shhhh!!!! ★

Holidays are here!!!
and so is common test.

work hard man, for those people who didn't get "the score they want" for their HBD quiz 1.

well, there's still common test, and reports and many other stuff to make that up before the exams right?

ok, now, let my bearbricks cheer u up.

actually, i took a total of 108 pictures.
heh. =D

but i think i am going to upload less than 108 pictures. =D

another closer shot!

my fav shot! B&W!

OMG! i shall upload others another day.
there's problem with uploading the photos. and i have repeat uploading the same photos for a lot of times!

MB0802 rocks!

Monday, June 8, 2009 at 5:29 AM

wooohooo! happy birthday to LAI SIEWCHEE!
im sry, this is the only solo picture of you i have.
and its taken during my birthday! HAHA ^^
not bad quite cute LOL

well youre 18 alrdy.
can buy 4D, can drink alcohols, can do sth
which is illegal to the rest of us who're still 17.
*ahem.. you knw wat i mean. LOL
can take driving license. can go clubbing.

okay now whoever's birthday it is, i will post a picture up.
will put it LARGE, in CENTER HAHA ^^v

tats it!
an neong!

MB0802 rocks!